Hey! You made it to part three, the conclusion, of our three-part series on the rise of India’s middle class. Last week in part two we discussed the effects that this surge has had on the international stage. Given that we have now learned the history and the effects it has had, it is important to discuss the lessons learned for the future. To help illustrate this point, let us first look at an example.

In the United States and much of the western world, a new trend has risen in recent years. Spurred by the Trump administration, there has been a greater demand for a “country first” approach in the United States’ economy with trading, expenditure, and morals. In other words, a growing minority of citizens wish to isolate the United States from the rest of the world. But why? There are many reasons, but it generally comes down to fear. Right-wing politics now believes that a country must look to their own needs and only their own needs in order to prosper. They do not believe that helping people with different cultures or perspectives is important or relevant to their way of life. Whatever their reasons for this standpoint, the effect remains the same.

However, we have seen in part one of this series that India was isolated from the world prior to the mid-1990s. And when they opened their culture to the world, an amazing thing happened: they thrived! Their culture expanded worldwide and developed incredible technologies that are now available to the average person. So, the lesson to be learned is that isolation starves a culture’s progress. If we look at the United States and their “America first” mentality, would this type of isolation hinder their societal and technological progress? As shown in part two last week, less young Indian students are studying in the US since 2016, which may impact their technological advancements. But this isolation model goes beyond limiting Indian students, as it effectively affects every other culture on the planet as well. As a result, while the rest of the world continues to develop new technologies and fight climate change, the US might stand alone in the dark corner of the old world. The proverbial unpopular child in the classroom sitting in the corner while the rest of the class studies. 

The lesson learned from all of this is that sharing ideas and opportunities with the world is paramount to the continued development of humanity. It is only by gaining new insights and perspectives that we truly learn the optimal way forward for everyone as a global society. So do not buy into the “my country first” narrative being propelled forth. Instead, focus on empathy and curiosity into other cultures and you will be rewarded. The Three Musketeers coined it best: “all for one and one for all”. Because the only chance to build a thriving future for our civilization and planet is for each member to support the collective good so the collective good can support each member.

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