With the increasing number of people working from home these days, which is likely a concept that will remain post-pandemic, I thought for today’s Workplace Wednesday to discuss the importance of a healthy work/life balance in one’s life. 

It is no secret that we spend a lot of our weekly hours working. A week has 168 hours in it, so a typical 40-hour work week is approximately 25% of our adult lives. And some people may work up to 50% of that time. But once you factor in a healthy dose of sleep at say 7-8 hours per night as recommended by the medical community, you’re only left with 17 to 42% of your week to commit to other aspects of living. Remember too that this does not even factor in time commuting to work, getting ready for work, and daily meals. I’m sure you are starting to realize the point I am making here. With so little time left each day outside of the working routine, it is vital that we use this time to its fullest potential.

Now what do I mean by that. A day’s fullest potential should be spent doing things that not only fulfill your mind and body, but also your spirit. Being able to unwind at the end of the day is one of the most important aspects of mental and physical recovery. Imagine if you were an Olympic athlete and you were at the peak of your performance, but you never stretched or ate nutritious meals. How successful do you imagine you would be in your sport long term? You would likely pull muscles and not perform to your potential. The same is true for the workplace. A peak performer in the workplace is someone who manages to start work each day refreshed. For some people, unplugging from your phone and screens after a workday is beneficial, whereas for others it may be picking up a book and losing yourself in another reality for a few hours each night. And for others still, it could be spending time with loved ones like family, friends, or pets to laugh and joke about topics unrelated to work. The point is, without taking a mental break from work when not working, you might begin each new day working off an increasing energy deficit until it all comes crashing down. There is more to life than work.

Now, some of you may be trying to find ways to relax your mind and body, but do not know where to begin. That is where your spirit can help. No one knows yourself better than your spirit. It is the everlasting entity that guides your decisions and represents your emotional intelligence. Look to your spirit to guide you on how to take back your personal life from the clutches of stress. Look to your passions. What is it that makes you giddy with excitement or feel loved or stimulated emotionally? Your passions never lie. They are the window to unlocking your true spiritual potential because your true element is realized through them. Passion is the key to self-actualization and a fulfilled life. Once you begin encouraging your passions, you will see how your work life dramatically improves as well.

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